Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Judges overturn libel verdict over bad review given Irish pizzeria | Weird Facts

weird facts
DUBLIN, Ireland - The decision was bound to leave a bad taste in somebody's mouth.

In this case it's the owner of Belfast pizzeria whose unprecedented libel verdict has been overturned by a Northern Ireland appeals court.

Owner Ciaran Convery successfully sued a Belfast newspaper over a review that deemed his Goodfellas restaurant smoky, sloppy and unappetizing.

But Northern Ireland Chief Justice Brian Kerr ruled that a Belfast jury erred in law last year when it awarded Convery $50,000 in damages.

Kerr said the jury failed to consider whether the reviewer demonstrated malice, and would have been likely to rule in the newspaper's favour if the original trial judge had instructed them correctly.

Noel Doran, editors of the Irish News newspaper, said the original verdict threatened the ability of newspapers throughout the United Kingdom to publish reviews. Convery vows to launch another lawsuit.

[Via - CBC]

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